deliver capital project success
in infrastructure and buildings
Our Vision
A world of Capital Projects that excel in terms of Return On Investment, on-time execution, information management (claim prevention) and team engagement.
Our Mission
On the back of an in-depth understanding of the asset-lifecycle as well as the drivers of parties and people involved (Clients, Consultants, Contractors): support investing clients in managing their CAPEX projects; either at department level or at project level.
"Construction is not a technical problem, it is a financial problem", therefore we focus on:
- improved or on time delivery towards earliest operational revenue (cashflow),
- achieve the NPV and ROIC as per the business case or better.
Our Values
Trust, commitment and uprightness while delivering sustainable impact.
We live by this as no department or project-team can be successful without.
It's always about people.

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Terms of Business
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Stolkpark Consulting BV © 2023